About Our Organic Massage

If you are feeling tension within your body, or maybe even a little stressed, a massage is the perfect way to treat yourself to some ‘you-time’.

Using rhythmic movements, your therapist will knead out tightness within your muscles and promote relaxation within your mind.

All of our massages begin and end with our signature ‘Tibetan Singing Bowl Ritual’, which makes a blissful and melodic sound to balance and re-align the energy centres within your body.

Conveniently located in Mudgeeraba and near Robina on the Gold Coast, a relaxation massage treatment by Earth and Skin is the perfect way to escape and unwind.


Relaxation and De-stress
30 mins$140


Relaxation and De-stress

Swedish Style – Our signature massage assists in harmonising the energy within by releasing muscle tension and calming the mind. Beginning with deep therapeutic breath inhalations this fluid and relaxing full body massage will restore inner peace and provide deep relaxation.

Enjoy as a couple in one of our couples treatment rooms
Add 20 mins to your massage time for $80

50 mins$175


Harmonise and Integrate

Aromatherapy – Deeper layers of the energy body are restored with a signature Crystal Chakra Balancing Meditation, combined with the soothing tones of a Tibetan Singing Bowl. Essential oils are customised and integrated into a full sensory body relaxation massage, designed to unwind different levels of tension and stress. This therapeutic massage is holistic and rebalancing leaving the corporal vessel calm and receptive to a sense of inner presence.

Enjoy as a couple in one of our couples treatment rooms
Add 20 mins to your massage time for $80

60 mins$210

Ancient Stone

Unwind and Release

Hot Stone – Let the naturally therapeutic energy of warm volcanic earth stones balance and soothe the body back to its natural circadian rhythm. Using placement stones along the meridian lines, resistance is melted away while intuitive hands deliver long massage strokes using warm stones to smooth out knots in the fascia and deeper muscle fibres.

Enjoy as a couple in one of our couples treatment rooms
Add 20 mins to your massage time for $80

60 mins$210


Sculpt and Eliminate

Lymphatic Drainage Massage A body contouring massage designed to achieve visible results through activating the lymphatic system. Using stimulating and vigorous massage techniques such as Gua Sha body scraping, lymphatic drainage massage and purifying essential oils of grapefruit, cypress and juniper extracts. This high definition body treatment facilitates the elimination of toxins, reduces inflammation and minimises the appearance of cellulite while increasing blood flow and circulation in the body.

Enjoy as a couple in one of our couples treatment rooms
Add 20 mins to your massage time for $80

60 mins$210


Island Luxury Escape

A signature ritual massage inspired by a variety of body therapies from the Polenesian Islands. This treatment begins with the natural healing benefits of a herbal steam inhalation. Acupressure compressions and stretches are applied along the meridian lines to promote circulation, followed by a full body massage with warm botanical infused oil. Each massage stroke is intuitive, flowing and rhythmic reflecting the natural movement patterns in the rippling ocean waves. The ultimate luxurious jet setters island spa treatment without leaving home.

Enjoy as a couple in one of our couples treatment rooms
Add 20 mins to your massage time for $80

60 mins$210

Massage enhancements I

Can only be used in addition to a massage treatment

The Dry Brush
Designed to excite the lymph, stimulate blood flow and increase the detoxifying benefits of the massage.

Recovery Plus
Soothe tired aching muscles with high magnesium compressed into the skin. This solution will be readily absorbed into the body to target muscle release and healing.

Salt Therapy
Hydrating and lightly exfoliating feet or hand treatment using organic raw pink Himalayan salt scrub with a warm towel removal and hydrating massage.

Warm Stones
Warm Stones placed on your individual areas of concern to soothe tired aching muscles, letting the heat of the stones melt away tension.

Vegan Lunch (GF)
Enjoy a delicious Vegan and Gluten Free lunch delivered by our catering provider. Featuring seasonal ingredients fresh from the farm to the plate. Your tummy will be full, and your tastebuds satisfied.


Massage enhancements II

Can only be used in addition to a massage treatment

Underarm Detox
Toxins in deodorant really are the pits! Our specialised treatment is designed to detoxify your underarms and kick-start your healthy lifestyle change to a safer deodorant.


Extra time

Want a longer massage

Add 20mins to any one of our speciality massages to extend the time of your experience.

20 mins$80

Ready to book your consultation?

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    Our promotional gift vouchers are valid for 6 months due to being a temporary marketing promotion in accordance with Australian Consumer Law Gift Card Laws. We look forward to treating your loved one to a special gift of indulgence from you.
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