Our new treatment menu features massages that focus on the meridian lines in our body, but exactly what are they and why do we do this? Find out below!
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(in acupuncture and Chinese medicine) each of a set of pathways in the body along which vital energy is said to flow.
“the slow movements and postures of t’ai chi open up and align the meridians of the body”
What is a ‘meridian’?
Meridians are energy lines that map the entire body running all the way from the base of the feet to the crown of the head. There are twelve major meridians that run on each side of the body, one side mirroring the other.
Each corresponds to an internal organ and each organ has its own physiological and invisible energy functions that connect to the greater meridian network in the body. These energy lines or meridians transmit information from the organs to the rest of the system and like little energy giving pathways they communicate and coordinate the body keeping it balanced and regulating in all its natural functions.
Sometimes these lines can become stagnant during times of physical and emotional stress.
What happens when meridians are stagnant?
Meridians can become blocked or communication through the meridians can become stagnant usually due to stress, illness and poor lifestyle habits. This can wreak havoc to the meridian flow and therefore dysregulate the whole system resulting in illness and chronic pain .
How does meridian massage and acupressure help?
According to TCM, as long as you keep healthy Qi flowing freely through your meridians your organs work in harmony and your body remains healthy. This is why we use different massage techniques in our organic massages such as compressions, thumbing and pressure points along these lines to release blocked tension, helping the body to recalibrate and release back into natural flow.
What treatments include focus on the meridian lines?
New additions to our treatment menu; Contour and Pacific both focus on releasing tension and blocked energy through the meridian lines.
Book in for a massage this week to help relieve tension and stress in your body. Located in our tranquil Queenslander located in Mudgeeraba, you will feel bliss as soon as you walk through our doors.
Earth and Skin is a Gold Coast organic day spa with a difference. We offer beauty treatments and products that are vegan, organic, chemical-free and free from animal cruelty. We have done the research into the safety and toxicity of common beauty rituals and have developed our menu based on the safest, most effective treatments available. If you’d love to experience beauty that cares for you and the Earth, we’d love to see you. Call now on 07 5530 7959 to book an appointment or book online.