
I love spending my days at Earth & Skin, it is a safe, beautiful space where you can come to fill up your own cup, a space where you can slow down, ground yourself, breathe and just be present during your time with us.

I have always been interested in Holistic Health and natural/alternative therapies and have completed study in both of these fields. I want to help others find balance within their lives.

My role within Earth & Skin is to ensure that you feel welcomed and looked after whilst experiencing one of our many beautiful treatments. I look forward to assisting you on your next Earth & Skin visit.

  • Voucher purchase details
  • We find that Hotmail addresses sometimes refuse our gift vouchers. We recommend using another email host such as Gmail. Please check your spam folder and then call (07) 5530 7959 if you have not received your voucher within 24 hours.

    Our promotional gift vouchers are valid for 6 months due to being a temporary marketing promotion in accordance with Australian Consumer Law Gift Card Laws. We look forward to treating your loved one to a special gift of indulgence from you.
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  • What Happens Next?

    A voucher will be sent to the recipients email and you will be sent an invoice receipt to your email. Please check your spam and promotions folders.
    The recipient will need to show their voucher to redeem it at the spa.

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