Put yourself first and Stop the Guilt

Michelle Obama once famously stated that SHE was the most important person in her household.

More important than her two daughters. More important than her husband – the President of the United States of America.

She explained that she looks at herself as the most important person because if she doesn’t care for herself the whole family falls apart.

She schedules her fitness, her self-care, meditation and doesn’t let anything come in the way of that.

It makes her a better mother, wife and First Lady.

Ever since I heard her interview I have really tried to do this myself but it is HARD! I get the guilts as I am sure you are all familiar with.

The past couple of years I have set a mantra for myself instead of New Years resolutions.

In 2016 it was ‘Bigger and Better’. I achieved that with the opening of our Spa in Mudgeeraba, more clients, more staff, more services. But I felt so drained and to be quite honest it nearly sent me into a nervous breakdown.

I had to really rethink my goals for 2017. So that was the year of ‘Self-Care’.

I started regular PT sessions, started practicing Yoga and mindfulness wherever I could. My husband said he saw a difference in my general mood and I felt it too.

Self care – whether it is taking the time to do something you love doing or getting pampered or doing something to improve your mind or your body (I mean doing something to release those feel good endorphins – think exercise not botox). Health professionals recognise self care as the most important thing you can do for your mental health.

Now that we are in 2019, what am I doing now?

Well this year my theme is ‘Optimisation’. So for that I mean making the most out of what I have. You might wonder how this relates to self care?

Well I think ‘I have a body that is capable – how can I make it healthier, more flexible, stronger?’

I have a mind ‘What can I do to stop negative emotions from taking over? What activities can I do to keep my mind active?’

So how does that translate into my own self care?

I promised myself I would do yoga every day. Even if it is just a few asanas for a few minutes. So far, we are on day 18 of 2019 and I have kept my promise. I feel great, I can see improvement and my muscles get sore so I must be doing something right.

I also started doing Sudoku. I saw my mother in law doing puzzles over Christmas and decided to get myself a little book of Sudoku puzzles from the newsagency. It is much healthier to do a puzzle for a mental break than watch TV. My kids (6yrs & 7yrs) are even into it too. I had to print off some child friendly puzzles for our camping trip this weekend.

How can Earth and Skin help with your Self care?

We know spa treatments are not everyones idea of self care (crazy but true)

However, we have developed a way to encourage you to start putting yourself first.


Our Self-Care Membership is a way for you to put yourself first in at least one area which is your skin and self care.
The membership was designed to allow you to nurture yourself without worrying about finding the spare cash or the time. 

‘I work long hours and whether it is time, money or thinking there’s something more important I would rarely get a facial or that kind of thing just for me.The direct debit option at Earth & Skin means I can have a package tailored just for my needs. I truly don’t miss the money that comes out each week and I know that there’s time where I can indulge in an hour or two just for myself. I look forward to the two Fridays a month I have a treatment at the spa and I walk out feeling calm and balanced.’
Mandy W


Our Self-Care Membership makes for the perfect gift – one that lasts all year.  

Earth + Skin

Earth and Skin, Gold Coast is a Day Spa and Beauty Shop with a difference. Situated in our gorgeous Queenslander building, iconic to the heritage village of Mudgeeraba. Our light filled space is decorated with natural decor, living greenery and soothing music which helps to create a relaxing atmosphere where our clients enjoy mindful spa treatments without negative impact to their health or the environment. Enjoy a full range of facials, body therapy and beauty treatments. Everything we do at Earth and Skin is done with care for you, planet Earth and your skin. Because beauty does not have to compromise your health.

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